Cosmetic Tattoo Removal & Lightening
We use four different methods to remove & lightening unwanted Cosmetic tattoo.

Laser Tattoo Removal
Non Laser Sailine Removal & Lightening
Camouflage & Colour Correction
Emergency Removal
We offer tattoo removal treatment for brow and body tattoos, via both laser and non-laser methods. The choice of method depends on the colour, age and area of the tattoo. When using laser to remove a tattoo the laser light beam breaks up the ink into tiny particles, which over the coming weeks is reabsorbed by the body and expelled via your normal body system. Our medical grade PICO laser is able to remove tattoos with minimal discomfort and down time.
It’s a process that uses saline (salt water) to fade or completely remove tattoos. The solution is injected into the tattoo using a tool similar to a tattoo gun or microblading pen, then left for a short period of time. This allows the salt water to break down the ink in your skin and essentially pull it out. This will trigger a process called osmosis, in which the saline will pull out the pigment through the skin’s outer layer. That area will heal, scab over, and fall off to reveal a lighter tattoo. The saline fluid is typically made up of sodium chloride (salt) and purified water. Some brands include additives like aloe vera and orange seed extracts, which make the saline more effective and soothing.
Eyebrow Tattoo Correction is the process of repairing tattooed eyebrows that you may no longer be happy with. The process involves using alternative pigment ink colours to neutralise the existing tattoo colour and more naturally match your normal skin tone. In most cases, we are able to repair and improve the unwanted eyebrow tattoo, other times, the only solution is tattoo removal. This will be determined by your Artist during consultation
We are seeing an increase in the requests for emergency removals of permanent makeup especially brows due to the increased number of poorly trained microblading practitioners. Until recently there have not been any safe and reliable means to remove this work without waiting at least a month. Now when using the Saline Emergency Removal method there is up to an 80% success rate of removal of the pigment from a microblade procedure provided the Saline treatment is done within 48 hours of the original tattoo treatment.
Before and After For Cosmetic Tattoo Removal

Cosmetic Tattoo Removal | Down Time | Skin Type | Sessions | Interval | Price |
10 minutes | 2-3 days | All | 2-3 sessions | 4 weeks | Now $120 was $200 |
How does EYEBROW TATTOO REMOVAL work? - Tattoo removal works by breaking apart the tattoos ink particles layer by layer. Your body’s white blood cells can then carry away the smaller broken-down particles quicker. With time and continued sessions, a tattoo can be completely removed.
How many sessions do I need ? - Removing a tattoo is a fading process that requires a number of treatments scheduled three to four weeks apart. Black inks usually respond more quickly than bright colours because they absorb the light better. The depth, ink colour, and amount of ink, as well as the location of the tattoo, are all determining factors in how quickly the tattoo is removed. Depending on your preference for fading or full removal, the process can take between 2-3 sessions.
What is the downtime ? - Contrary to popular belief, laser tattoo removal does not come with extensive downtime. While each treatment may lead to minor swelling and redness, the downtime is typically less than five days. This is great news if you lead a busy lifestyle and cannot take much time off due to work and/or family obligations.
What are the Risks & Contradictions?
Laser tattoo removal with Picocare is safe. However, as with any surgery
or surgical procedure, you need to be aware of the risks & contraindications. Treatment is strongly discouraged in the following cases:
Pregnancy - Just as you shouldn’t use creams to relieve pain during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not recommended you attempt tattoo removal during this period. However, if a woman is unaware of her pregnancy and undergoes a tattoo removal session, there is no need to worry.
Sun exposure and artificial tanning - Do not allow the areas you plan to treat to be exposed to the sun for at least 8 weeks before treatment. Not even for one hour. You should also be extra cautious of the effects of sun exposure on the area when engaging in snow and water sports. You should apply UV protection 8 weeks before and 2 to 3 weeks after a laser tattoo removal session. Self-tanning creams which involve an increase in melanin are also forbidden on the treated area before and after to avoid any risk of burns.
Sun sensitising drugs -It is essential to inform your practitioner if you take any sun-sensitising medication (e.g. anti-acne, antibiotics, etc.) before a session. For your safety, the technician may adapt or delay the treatment.
Cosmetic products -Perfumes, eau de toilettes, creams, and/or deodorants are to be avoided on the treatment areas the day of the appointment.
Medical conditions -We don’t recommend Picocare laser tattoo removal if you suffer from the following conditions: Diabetes (insulin-dependent)
- Hemophilia
- Hepatitis B or C
- Eczema
- Epilepsy
- Allergy to tattoo products (inks, pigments, etc.)
How does NON LASER SALINE TATTOO REMOVAL work? - Saline removal is a non-laser option to tattoo removal. We tattoo a highly concentrated amount of salt into the skin which is then removed externally instead of internally. This allows the pigment particles to be released from a scar rather than to be excreted through the human waste system.
How many sessions do I need ? - most clients will need between 3 and 6 sessions to remove/fade the tattoo
What is the downtime? - With saline removal, the skin must heal for 8 to 10 weeks between sessions. Clients must follow aftercare instructions carefully to avoid experiencing complications. Because saline tattoo removal creates an open wound, it carries more risk of infection and scarring.
What are the Risks & Contradictions ? -
If any of the following apply to you, you must discuss details with us for your own well-being ASAP, as we may need to:
Postpone or alter your removal
- steroid or immunosuppressant use
- prescription antacid use
- having waxed the area within the last 48 hours
- electrolysis within the area within the last 5 days
- piercings in/around the area that cannot be removed
- alcohol/drug use within 24 hours
- chemo treatments within the last 6 months
- staph or mrsa
- allergies
- eczema or psoriasis
- use of Retin-A within the last 2 weeks
- hepatitis
- botox/fillers near the area within the last 2 weeks
- prescription antibiotics within the last 2 weeks
- blood pressure issues
- chemical peels near the area within the last 6 weeks
- spa-grade AHA usage near the area within the last 2 weeks
- pregnancy
- plans to breast feed within the next 3 months
- sunburnt skin on the area to be treated
- prior Acutane usage*
- lesions/moles or broken skin in the area to be treated
How does CAMOUFLAGE & COVER UP work ? - We would suggest the client has laser tattooo removal first in this way most of the tattoo is removed and there is less area to cover up. Then Semi Permanent Makeup uses a single acupuncture needle that gently vibrates on the dermal layers of the skin depositing a custom blended mineral-based pigment into the skin to cover tattoo ink.
The procedure is performed in a series of sessions (4-session minimum). Your appointments are scheduled 3 weeks apart to allow time for the pigment to settle into the skin. Each time you come in, the colour will be re-evaluated and the procedure fine tuned.
How many sessions do I need? - 4 sessions are required and sometimes more.
What is the downtime ? - Your skin will have modest swelling right after the procedure but this varies from person to person. In most clients, next-day swelling is little to none and will be completely over in a few days but you may have some redness for up to 10 days. You can go about your normal routine straight after the treatment how you must adhered to the post care instructions.
How does EMERGENCY SALINE TATTOO REMOVAL work? - Firstly, this emergency removal treatment will only work if done no later that 48 hours after your initial tattoo treatment. We tattoo a highly concentrated amount of salt into the skin which is then removed externally instead of internally. This allows the pigment particles to be released from a scar rather than to be excreted through the human waste system.
How many sessions do I need ? - most clients will need between 3 and 6 sessions to remove/fade the tattoo
What is the downtime? - With saline removal, the skin must heal for 8 to 10 weeks between sessions. Clients must follow aftercare instructions carefully to avoid experiencing complications. Because saline tattoo removal creates an open wound, it carries more risk of infection and scarring.
What are the Risks & Contradictions ? -
If any of the following apply to you, you must discuss details with us for your own well-being ASAP, as we may need to:
Postpone or alter your removal
- taking steroid or you are immunosuppressant
- prescription antacid use
- having waxed the area within the last 48 hours
- electrolysis within the area within the last 5 days
- piercings in/around the area that cannot be removed
- alcohol/drug use within 24 hours
- chemo treatments within the last 6 months
- staph or mrsa
- allergies
- eczema or psoriasis
- use of Retin-A within the last 2 weeks
- hepatitis
- botox/fillers near the area within the last 2 weeks
- prescription antibiotics within the last 2 weeks
- blood pressure issues
- chemical peels near the area within the last 6 weeks
- spa-grade AHA usage near the area within the last 2 weeks
- pregnancy
- plans to breast feed within the next 3 months
- sunburnt skin on the area to be treated
- prior Acutane usage*
- lesions/moles or broken skin in the area to be treated
Laser Tattoo Removal After Care instructions -
The tattoo removal laser treatment may create a superficial burn wound. Some clients may experience bruising or swelling.
There is immediate whitening of the treated area, which usually lasts for several minutes and could last for several hours.
Many clients then develop blisters, crusts, or scabs within 12-72 hours, which may last for 1-2 weeks or more.
The treated areas may be pink or pale after the scab separates. Loss of skin pigment in the treated area is common and is usually temporary. Healing is usually complete by 6-8 weeks.
- Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area gently with soap and water and then gently pat the area dry. You may apply a thin coating of antibiotic ointment up to three times a day while the area is healing if you keep the area covered with a sterile dressing.
- You may apply cool compresses as necessary for 24 hours after the laser treatment to help reduce discomfort and inflammation. You may take paracetamol but avoid aspirin (it can increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding.)Do not pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped as this may result in infection and scarring. Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed.
- Do not wear makeup or any cream or medication unless recommended for 48 hours.
- Wear a sunblock with an SPF of 30 or higher over the area for 3 months following the treatment.
- If the area looks infected (honey coloured crusting and oozing or spreading redness), if you experience an unusual discomfort or bleeding, if any other complications develop, or if you have any questions or concerns, contact the clinic immediately on 73797644.
- If you have any extreme reaction (such as moderate to severe facial swelling, moderate to severe rash, any difficulty breathing, or you are in any distress) call 000 and go to the emergency department.
What is the post care instructions? -
It is critical to follow all aftercare instructions to prevent complications, scarring and to achieve optimum results. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
- KEEP AREA CLEANand open to the air. Do not cover with a Band-Aid or anything else, leave open to air. Air/oxygen provides good and faster healing. You should not be touching the area at all but if you find yourself needling to please make sure your hands are exceptionally clean.
- DO NOT SOAKthe treated area in water. You can shower as normal but keep the area out of the shower spray the best you can and do not let the area stay wet for more than a few minutes. NO soaking in water or scab will get destroyed.
- DO NOTdisrupt the scabbing process (i.e. no picking, scratching, etc. All scabbing needs to fall off naturally. If you force or pick a scab off, you will disrupt the process and possibly.
- TREAT AREA WITH TLC. The edges can be wiped clean from any dripping blood, the site should be left alone and not get wet for 24 hours. Once the scab is formed bathing is normal but wash the area gently with the fingers and soap and rinse. Keep the area clean and absolutely no creams, nothing applied leave it alone. If it itches and it is a safe area other than around the eyes dab with a little alcohol.
- ONCE ALL SCABBING HAS NATURALLY FALLEN OFF, apply one drop Vitamin E oil twice per day throughout the day every day for a minimum of 4 weeks, or until next lightening session. DO NOT start applying Vitamin E oil UNTIL all scabbing has completely fallen off. It is our goal to keep the area as dry as possible until all scabs have naturally fallen off.
- LIPS please drink all liquids with a straw until all scabbing has naturally fallen off. No whiting, no peroxide toothpastes. Cut food into small bites, no biting into a sandwich! Try to keep mouth expressions to a minimum.
- It is important to the process and integrity of the skin that 8 full weeks of healing take place before another lightening session can be done. NO EXCEPTIONS
- Lightening and/or removing unwanted pigment is a long process and patience is required. This is true weather you are choosing a lightening product service or laser
Please be patient and give the process a fair chance to work. Expect visible and wanted results in 3 to 6 sessions.
How many sessions needed will depend on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted and how much needs to be removed for the desired result. In many cases only a percentage of density needs to be lightening/removed and then we can continue the correction process by colour correcting.
- Pat the area with a clean, dry tissue to blot excess fluids. This step is critical to great results and optimum colour retention.
- Apply Bepanthen 2 times daily, for one week with cotton pads. Cleanse the area with a damp cotton pad or baby wipes between each application.
- Do not touch tattooed area with your hands. Personal hygiene is very important to avoid any possible infection.
- Itchiness and exfoliation is normal and part of healing process, do not pick or scratch the area or the colour may heal unevenly and you risk scarring and infection.
- Do not exercise or swim for 48 hours and do not swim in salt or chlorinated water, no spa, sauna and Jacuzzis for 2 weeks.
- Avoid any kind of facials and IPL, Laser treatments no anti wrinkle injections or fillers for 2 weeks.
- Do not wear makeup over tattooed area and no makeup removal /cleanser is to be used for one week.
- Avoid direct sun exposure and sunscreen is advised to prevent fading and oxidising the ink.
It is critical to follow all aftercare instructions to prevent complications, scarring and to achieve optimum results. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
- KEEP AREA CLEANand open to the air. Do not cover with a Band-Aid or anything else, leave open to air. Air/oxygen provides good and faster healing. You should not be touching the area at all but if you find yourself needling to please make sure your hands are exceptionally clean.
- DO NOT SOAKthe treated area in water. You can shower as normal but keep the area out of the shower spray the best you can and do not let the area stay wet for more than a few minutes. NO soaking in water or scab will get destroyed.
- DO NOTdisrupt the scabbing process (i.e. no picking, scratching, etc. All scabbing needs to fall off naturally. If you force or pick a scab off, you will disrupt the process and possibly.
- TREAT AREA WITH TLC. The edges can be wiped clean from any dripping blood, the site should be left alone and not get wet for 24 hours. Once the scab is formed bathing is normal but wash the area gently with the fingers and soap and rinse. Keep the area clean and absolutely no creams, nothing applied leave it alone. If it itches and it is a safe area other than around the eyes dab with a little alcohol.
- ONCE ALL SCABBING HAS NATURALLY FALLEN OFF, apply one drop Vitamin E oil twice per day throughout the day every day for a minimum of 4 weeks, or until next lightening session. DO NOT start applying Vitamin E oil UNTIL all scabbing has completely fallen off. It is our goal to keep the area as dry as possible until all scabs have naturally fallen off.
- LIPS please drink all liquids with a straw until all scabbing has naturally fallen off. No whiting, no peroxide toothpastes. Cut food into small bites, no biting into a sandwich! Try to keep mouth expressions to a minimum.
- It is important to the process and integrity of the skin that 8 full weeks of healing take place before another lightening session can be done. NO EXCEPTIONS
- Lightening and/or removing unwanted pigment is a long process and patience is required. This is true weather you are choosing a lightening product service or laser
Please be patient and give the process a fair chance to work. Expect visible and wanted results in 3 to 6 sessions.
How many sessions needed will depend on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted and how much needs to be removed for the desired result. In many cases only a percentage of density needs to be lightening/removed and then we can continue the correction process by colour correcting.