Laser Skin Tightening & Flushing

Laser Skin Tightening


After the age of 30, we lose about 1% of collagen fibers throughout our body per year. The deeper layers of our skin (dermis) are composed of 75% collagen. It is this integral structural component that gives the skin its youthful resiliency and elasticity. Unfortunately, as we age, our skin stops producing new collagen and we end up with saggy, wrinkled, and ageing skin.

Our Laser Skin Tightening treatments are safe, non-invasive procedures that will help you attain tight, smoother skin. The procedure targets collagen fibers found in the deeper dermal compartments of the skin, triggering new collagen formation and improving facial contours. Candela YAG Laser is a revolutionary device that will smooth out fine wrinkles and plump up and sculpt sagging and lax skin.



Benefits of Skin Tightening


  • Increase the collagen production
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Tighter & toned skin (face, neck decolletage or tummy)
  • Slowing down ageing process
  • Reduce fine line & wrinkles



Collagen is a water laden protein fibre. The Candela YAG Laser works through a process known as ‘selective photo thermolysis’ that heats up the water in the collagen fibre at specific temperatures and utilizes focused wavelengths to naturally induce new collagen formation (also known as collagenases). This gentle yet focused heating will slowly rearrange, redistribute, and realign new collagen fibres within the dermis of the skin, resulting in facial contouring and rejuvenation.

The procedure can be performed on the face or any other part of the body such as the décolletage, hands and abdomen. The usual protocol is a treatment plan of 2-3 months, where a total of 6-8 sessions required to achieve optimal benefit. Treatments can be done at weekly or fortnightly intervals. Best results are achieved by alternating chemical peel, Yellow LED and pre- Microdermabrasion treatments. 


Laser for Flushing, Rosacea, Rosacea Acne

Our clinic uses two different advanced laser technologies to reducing  in red spots and blotches, reduced facial redness or persistently red cheeks, decrease in skin inflammation.

  1. Medical Grade Candela Nd:1064 wavelength laser targets the hemoglobin in the upper papillary dermis which helps thicken broken and thin capillaries. The treatment helps stimulate collagen and leaves the skin redness-free and feeling bouncy. We recommend an initial course of 6-8 treatments weekly, and then a regular monthly treatment for best results. To optimize the result, we offer an optional Yellow LED Light Therapy for only $29.
  2. Pico Laser uses combines Pico Laser nd: YAG 1064nm and Dye 595nm to reduce rosacea, facial redness and rejuvenate the skin. Pico Laser Toning nd: YAG 1064nm is a very gentle, non-invasive laser that works by gently heating the deeper layers of the skin, targeting blood vessels and reducing redness. It also stimulates collagen production and skin refinement without any downtime. The treatment included LED light therapy.



  • Reduction in red spots and blotches
  • Reduced facial redness
  • Reduced facial redness or persistently red cheeks
  • Decrease in skin inflammation
  • Increase the collagen production, skin rejuvenating
Treatment Time Down Time Skin Type Sessions Interval Price
              40 minutes             None all skin tone 4-6 sessions      2-4 weeks     $190



 Contact the clinic today to arrange your FREE CONSULTATION with our therapist!