Lip Neutralising

Lip Neutralizing

Lip Neutralization an advanced procedure to neutralize the cool tones and lift the darkness in the lips with the help of warm pigment. Once the lips are neutralized and healed, lip blush is performed to your target colour. If you are looking to achieve a lighter pink lip tone then lip neutralizing is a procedure by where we tattoo the lip with a certain colour pigment to lift the darker tones and lighten them to the desired look. Most dark lips can take multiple sessions depending on how dark the lips are, you will be advised on how many sessions needed during the initial consultation on the first session.

Suitable for Fitzpatrick 3-6, those with cool or dark-toned lips in which we colour correct and neutralize the darkness in lips. 


Any ladies or gents above The Fitzpatrick scale of 3 or above can tend to find they hold darker tones to their lip pigment. If you are looking to achieve a lighter lip tone then lip neutralising is a procedure by where we tattoo the lip with a certain colour pigment to lift the darker tones and lighten them to the desired look. Most lip neutralising can take multiple sessions and I always advise a minimum of three. Depending on how dark the original lip pigment is will depend on how many sessions are needed. We have found in most cases two sessions gives the client a nude , natural, blush tone to their lips and most are happy with this. If you would like a more vibrant colour then a third and possibly fourth session may be needed.


Pre-care Instructions for lip tattooing & lip neutralizing 
  • Do not consume caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment to prevent excessive pain and bleeding.
  • Do blood thinners such a Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 48-72 hrs prior to your procedure. 
  • Do not take or get any chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, vitamin E, retinols, fish oil, at least 2-4 weeks before your appointment.
  • If your appointment is booked during an outbreak of cold sores on your lips the procedure may not be done. Please be aware that you have the simplex virus herpes, you may awaken an outbreak following this treatment. It is highly recommended to take an anti-viral medication such as Lysine table and Zivorax 3-5 days before, then the day of. 
  • Do not get lip injections 4 weeks before and after this treatment.
  • Apply numbing cream (Numb it) before 1 hour.
  • The day of treatment: Fluids will leak from the tattoo to form scabs. You do not want these fluids to sit on your tattoo and form these scabs. You will want to wipe your tattoo every hour with a wet cotton round and pat the area dry to ensure no fluids sit and form scabs. You may ice the skin if it is feeling tender or swollen after the procedure. Wrap an ice pack or a ziplock of ice in a napkin and place on the area for as long as desired.



Post-care Instructions for lip tattooing & lip neutralizing
  • Do not touch your tattoo with dirty fingers, remember it is an opened and healing wound. An infection could possibly ruin the tattoo.
  • The area will feel a bit sore and will look quite intense. There may be some swelling and minor bruising that only lasts for 1-2 days
  • The next day, the color of the tattoo will darken as scabs begin to form, there may still be some swelling or minor bruising 
  • Cold Compress first 24 hours
  • No hot drinks or spicy food
  • Moisturize with the recommended or provided ointment (Paw Paw or Bepanthen) for lips, moisturize as often as you like. 
  • The scab will fall off within 5-10 days depending on your skin and the procedure you had done
  • Do not get any facials, Botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 3-4 weeks post appointment date.
  • Note that results will vary with each individual and are extremely depending on your skin and how you care for it during healing. It may take more than 3 sessions to achieve your desired result.