Lip Tattooing/Blushing
Lip Tattooing/Blushing
Cosmetic lip tattooing, also known as permanent makeup, is ideal for women wanting to enhance their lip colour or make their lips more defined, even and fuller. As we age, our lips lose their fullness and colour, becoming thinner and losing their definition. Lip fillers enhance volume, while lip tattooing enhance size, color, and shape and make them look fuller and more attractive. Together, lip injectables and lip tattooing complement each other for optimal results. If your lips are very thin or deeply wrinkled lips, you can ger lip fillers first, 4-6 weeks before your lip tattoo procedure. A tattoo for lips also provides a more effective and longer lasting result than lip fillers. Lip tattooing / blushing requires 2 treatment sessions, spaced 6 weeks part.
Benefits of Lip Tattooing /Blushing
- Create a fuller and more rejuvenated look.
- Correct lip asymmetry and redefine the border of your lips.
- No need to worry about constantly re applying your lipstick – you can choose a shade closest to your favourite colour or opt for a natural colour to make the lips appear plumper.
Pre-care Instructions for lip tattooing / blushing.
- Do not get lip injections 4 weeks before and after this treatment.
- Moisturize your lips as much as you can (recommended to use Paw Paw lip balm) 2-4 weeks.
- Do not take or get any chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing at least 2 weeks.
- Take Lysine table (to prevent cold sore) 3-5 days.
- Do not take blood thinners such a Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 48-72 hours.
- Do not consume caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment to prevent excessive pain and bleeding.
- Apply numbing cream (Numb it) before 1 hour.
A Consultation is essential before booking an appointment:
- Clients with deeply wrinkled lips or very thin lips, you may need lip fillers before getting a lip tattoo 4-6 weeks.
- If your lips are dark toned you may need lip neutralizing before a lip blush procedure.
We may cancel your appointment for following reasons:
- If your lips are not smooth, not adequately moisturized, too dry, peeling, or flaky.
- If you have an outbreak of cold sores on the day of the procedure.
Post-care Instructions for lip tattooing / blushing
- Do not touch your tattoo with dirty fingers, remember it is an opened and healing wound. An infection could possibly ruin the tattoo.
- The area will feel a bit sore and will look quite intense. There may be some swelling and minor bruising that only lasts for 1-2 days
- The next day, the color of the tattoo will darken as scabs begin to form, there may still be some swelling or minor bruising
- Cold Compress first 24 hours
- No hot drinks or spicy food
- Moisturize with the recommended (Paw Paw or Bepanthen) for lips, moisturize as often as you like.
- The scab will fall off within 5-10 days depending on your skin and the procedure you had done.
- Do not get any facials, Botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.
- Note that results will vary with each individual and are extremely depending on your skin and how you care for it during healing. It may take more than 2 sessions to achieve your desired result.
- If cold sores occur, please take an anti-viral medication from Chemist and Zovirax cream.
Before and After Pictures

Please do not worry if you lose colour, it will be 2- 3 weeks before the true colour appears. For some clients the colour is perfect, for others it may be too light or patchy . If this happens, we are able to adjust the shape and colour at your follow up session.
The day of treatment: Fluids will leak from the tattoo to form scabs. You do not want these fluids to sit on your tattoo and form these scabs. Tenderness and swollen are expected after procedure, and your lips color may initially appear very bright. You may need to wear a mask. The healing process typically takes 7-10 days. after the procedure. Making sure follow after-care instructions.
- If a Cold Sore happens after treatment you might lose more than 70-80% of the colour therefore it is important to continue take Lysine tables .
- Color may fade more then 50-60% or may heal uneven.
- May develop hyper or hypo pigmentation (if your skin tone Fitz 4-6)
Most of people are suitable for lip tattooing but if you lips dark then need do lip neutralizing first.
Colour used, age of client and skin condition all play a large part in the longevity of your tattoo, between 2-3 years. The darker the pigment, the more concentrated the colour and therefore the colour lasts longer. You need to refresh the colour every 18-20 months. .