Fine lines/Wrinkles/Hollowing of the Tear Trough
The hollowing of the tear trough is a common concern where a sunken or shadowed area appears under the eyes, typically along the ridge where the lower eyelid meets the cheek. This hollowing can give a tired, aged appearance and may contribute to the appearance of dark circles.
What is Tear Trough Hollowing? The tear trough is a natural groove between the lower eyelid and the cheek. Hollowing in this area happens due to factors like aging, genetics, or loss of facial volume. Over time, as we lose collagen, fat, and skin elasticity, the area can appear sunken or shadowed, leading to a more pronounced tear trough.
Choosing the right treatment depends on factors like age, skin condition, and desired results. Consulting with a skilled professional is recommended to determine the best approach.
Causes of Tear Trough Hollowing
- Aging: As we age, we naturally lose facial volume, including fat and collagen, which can deepen the tear trough.
- Genetics: Some people have a naturally more prominent tear trough due to their bone structure or inherited traits.
- Lifestyle Factors: Poor diet, dehydration, and lack of sleep can accentuate tear trough hollowing.
- Rapid Weight Loss: This can sometimes lead to the loss of fat in the face, including around the tear trough.
The first and only (TMA®) technology safe for eye lid area. Suitable: Anyone with fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area, mild hooding of the lids, skin crepiness and mild loss of elasticity.
The hollowing of the tear trough is a common concern where a sunken or shadowed area appears under the eyes, typically along the ridge where the lower eyelid meets the cheek.
HIFU – Ultraformer
Best suited for those with mild to moderate under-eye aging. Over the following weeks and months, the increased collagen production leads to tighter, firmer skin under the eyes.
- Treatment time: 15 -20 minutes
- Area: Around Eyes - Upper or lower Eyelids
- Number of treatments: 3-6 sessions
- Interval: 4 weeks
- Preparation: avoid active ingredients for 3 days, apply numbing cream prior if required.
- Post care: Eye cream
- Downtime: 3-5 days
- Cost: $199 - $349
- Treatment time: 15 -20 minutes
- Area: Eye bag ( lower eyelid)
- Number of treatments: 3-6 sessions
- Interval: 4 weeks
- Preparation: none
- Post care: Eye cream
- Downtime: none to mild redness
- Cost: $345
- Treatment time: 15 -20 minutes
- Interval: 3-6 months
- Preparation: no skin treatment at least 2 days prior
- Post care: no makeup for 24 hours, no skin treatments 2 weeks
- Downtime: 2-5 days redness and swelling
- Cost: vary